Luke’s Favorite Films Take Two: #78

#78: This Is The End (2013)

This Is The End
Directors: Evan Goldberg and Seth Rogen
Starring: James Franco, Jonah Hill and Seth Rogen
Plot: “While attending a party at James Franco’s house, Seth Rogen, Jay Baruchel and many other celebrities are faced with the apocalypse.”
Stock: Up
Previous Ranking: NR

“What the fuck is wrong with you, Franco? You have iPad’s all over the goddamn walls in your house, but you jack off like a fuckin’ pilgrim!”

If you’ve seen This Is The End, then you know why it’s here. If you haven’t, let me try to explain.

Seth Rogen, Jonah Hill, James Franco and a bunch of their friends (Danny McBride, Michael Cera, Rihanna, and Emma Watson to name a few) all play themselves. During a party at Franco’s house, the apocalypse takes place. Earthquakes, fires, raging demons, the whole nine. A select few who happen to survive, bunker down in Franco’s house, where hilarity ensues. Absolute hilarity. Nothing but hilarity.

It’s a ridiculous plot and the acting is even more ridiculous, but the comedy just keeps coming. You could tell that this film was just an excuse for these actors to get together and make fun of each other, because that’s what shows up on screen. You could also tell the actors enjoyed playing some of the stereotypes of themselves (see: Franco’s art pieces or Hill’s flamboyant side). As for me, I just kept on laughing.

The star of the show turned out to be McBride, who despite the impressive line-up of actors, stole every scene. His fight with Franco over the porn magazine is one of the funniest scenes in any movie, period.

Fun Fact: Most of the paintings that can be seen hanging in the background were actually painted by James Franco.

Hint for #77: Based on a Daniel Lehane book.

Peace Be The Journey.

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